Overcoming Sin Addiction – Part 2 (Jeremiah 2:14-28)

We are looking at how to overcome sin addiction from the second chapter of Jeremiah. We are seeing this problem expressed in Jeremiah 2:25.

Do not chase after other gods until your shoes wear out and your throats become dry. But you say, “It is useless for you to try and stop me because I love those foreign gods and want to pursue them!” (Jeremiah 2:25 NET)

How did the people of God get themselves so enslaved into sin that they admit that they cannot stop? How did they get so deep into their sins that they cannot stop? In our last lesson we looked at the first 13 verses of Jeremiah 2. God asks the people to explain to him what he did for us to make such a bad exchange. Why would you trade glory for worthlessness? Why would you trade satisfying waters to work to catch stale, dirty water? Why would you trade the truth for a lie? Why would you trade the Creator for the created? God is teaching us how to overcome our sin addiction by showing us what we are doing to ourselves by continuing in our sins. Let’s continue in Jeremiah 2 and notice what else God teaches us about our sin problems and how to overcome…

To read more of this lesson click here.


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