Stop Praying! (Jeremiah 7)

I have an important question for you as we begin our lesson today. What gives you confidence that you are right with God? What would you point to so that you know that you are in right standing with God? As you think about this, I would like for you to open your copies of God’s word to the book of Jeremiah and we are going to look at Jeremiah 7. Jeremiah has been told to go preach a sermon. In Jeremiah 7:1-2 we are told that Jeremiah is told to preach at the entryway to the temple complex to all the people who are coming to worship the Lord. Now I want you to think about this before we begin. Jeremiah is not preaching to the world. Jeremiah is not preaching to the non-worshipers in Israel. He is standing at the temple entryway, preaching to everyone who is coming into the temple complex to worship the Lord. What does God want to say to his people through his prophet, Jeremiah?

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